Bayboro Launch 11/16-17/19 Cancelled, Launch added on 11/23/19

Let?s do this 1-day launch on Saturday, November 23.?? There is no rain in the forecast until later that afternoon, so Lionel?s yard and the field will be drivable.? The temps will be warmer and the winds much lower on Saturday than Sunday.?? I will arrive with the trailer at the time I usually do, around 9:30.

It will benefit everybody for as much prep to be done on the rocket(s) before Saturday morning, because a light drizzle could begin as early as 2:00 or 3:00.? If we do this right, we will all be in our vehicles, dry, and driving home by the time any serious rain starts.

See you Saturday!


I am going to try to get enough equipment to the field on Saturday to launch 1 rocket, the NCSU HPR club subscale.?? The weather forecast is not good, but it might improve.? Here is the situation:? my first potential problem point may be when I arrive in Lionel?s back yard to pick up the trailer.?? The terrain is low and flat and significant rain will leave standing water.?? I don?t want to leave deep ruts in Lionel?s back yard.? It might be necessary to make trips on foot from his driveway to the trailer to unload just the equipment necessary for this launch, and tote it down the road in my truck to the launch site.?? The second potential problem will present itself when we get to the field.? If I can pick up the trailer, can I get it off the road into the field??? If this is impossible, I can pull off to the side of the highway and unloaAlan d the trailer there.? In years past we have actually set up on the paved road to avoid getting mud-stuck.

It is not going to be a fun day.?? Wet, cloudy and windy is the forecast.? I can?t recommend that anybody show up, I will have enough personnel from NCSU to get the equipment set up and taken down, so I don?t actually need anybody else to attend.? If you do show up I will be grateful for your help and your company.?? If you want to fly a rocket under such miserable conditions and it has 10×10 rail buttons, then by all means bring it on out.

The forecast may improve, or it may get worse. ?I?ll call in the NOTAM on Thursday and we?ll just see what happens.

If the plan changes, I?ll post the news here.





The weather for this coming weekend is forecast to be extremely bad for rocketry. Rains forecast for Friday and Sunday means that it would be difficult to get the club trailer out of Lionel?s yard, and the winds on both days are right at 20 MPH.

I am going to try to hold a 1-day launch on November 23 or 24 to allow the NCSU HPR club to get their subscale model launched. I?ll let everybody know when that will occur, everybody is invited to join us and fly if they want to (and to help set up and take down the launch equipment!!).

Alan Whitmore, Prefect

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