Launch Report, Bayboro, September 27-28, 2014

The 2014-2015 season at Bayboro got off to a great start this weekend. The turnout was excellent on both days, with a good balance of old friends and new flyers. The weather was just about perfect, with temperatures in the 70?s most of the time, mostly sunny, and calm winds. The only problem with the weather was the wind direction, which was pushing rockets over in the soybeans on both days. Here is the motor use summary, and then we?ll get down to cases. Continue reading

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Launch Report, Butner, August 16, 2014

The last of the special low-power events at Butner Beef Cattle Research Facility was held this weekend under almost ideal conditions. The sky was clear and the winds were almost non-existent. Continue reading

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Launch Report, Butner, July 26, 2014

We had another fine summer launch at the Butner Beef Cattle Research Facility this month. The weather was very cooperative in the wind department (there wasn?t any) and very warm.?? The whole purpose of these Triangle-area launches is to bring in new people, and we were very successful in that department this weekend. There were a whole gaggle of children on site when we began the day?s activities, and the flying was thick and fast for a while, Continue reading

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