Ed: The launch described below has been cancelled due to poor weather.
There are a couple universities that need to make qualification flights before our 27th/28th scheduled launch, so we’ve decided to host a special launch this upcoming weekend on the 20th and 21st to accommodate them. Since the MCAS and the waiver will be activated, I see no reason why we can’t have everyone else out to have some fun and get out of the house for the weekend.
If you plan on attending, we’ll begin activities at the normal time(10am). I personally won’t be able to be at the field on Saturday, but I plan on arriving that night, staying over, and being there on Sunday. As of now, the weather looks pretty good both days.
If you can’t make it the following weekend, this is a good opportunity to come fly some rockets. Or, just come two weekends in a row. 🙂
Also – all the CoVid rules we’ve been following will still be in place for both launches.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Joe Hill
Prefect, Tripoli East NC